Then came the Mormon missionaries, and in March 1835, James and Drusilla were baptized. Suddenly friends and neighbors turned against them, their property was vandalized and every effort was made to persuade them to leave the Church. Once again they looked toward Missouri, now designated by the Lord as the land of Zion, and in the spring of 1836 they left, with their four children, to join the saints there.
The Hendricks family settled in Clay County just in time to be driven out with the rest of the saints, this time to Caldwell County. Undaunted, they bought six acres of land, began to work it and, said Drusilla, "I never lived happier in my life... I had quit taking snuff, tea and coffee, and I became healthy and strong. Where before I could not walk half a mile, now I could walk three miles and not tire, for we kept the Word of Wisdom. I can bear my testimony to the world."

James remained an invalid throughout his life, and Drusilla, at age 67, wrote a short but inspiring life story. She may have been thinking of her Missouri persecutions when she gave her testimony: "The gospel is true. I have rejoiced in it through all my trials, for the Spirit of the Lord has buoyed me up or I should have failed." James B. Allen
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